High Speed Doors

Enhance Efficiency with High Speed Commercial Doors

High traffic, clean manufacturing and temperature controlled areas are the best environments for industrial high-speed doors. Using high-speed or rapid roll doors can save you time and increase productivity as well as decrease your energy costs.

There are multiple uses for high-speed doors in warehouses and distribution centers, food facilities and even pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. McKinley Equipment offers many leading manufacturers. Rytec Doors offers high-performance doors that are safe, fast and efficient. They create these products for the Aviation, Life Sciences and Manufacturing industries among others.

ASI is a leading American manufacturer of high speed, high performance door systems for government service, commercial, refrigerated and clean environment markets. They create both fabric and rigid roll-up doors for various applications. Hormann Flexon is a manufacturer of roll-up doors used for multiple applications like food and beverage manufacturing and distribution, cold and clean storage in addition to automotive retail facilities.